Archive for News - page 11

Christmas Schedule and closures

Christmas Schedule and closures

The school will only be closed on 1 day over the holiday period. Tuesday 1st January is a national holiday in Taiwan and there will be no classes on this day. Details of Chinese New year closure will follow shortly.

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New Beginners Class is Opening

New Beginners Class is Opening

New Beginner level class begins Monday 19th November 2012, 7pm Evening class. Currently 3 places available. to reserve your place today.

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Halloween Party

Halloween Party

All current students are invited to join our Halloween party on Wednesday 31st October at 9pm. Best costumes prizes and refreshments served. Students may bring 1 friend or partner. See you all there!

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Yangmingshan Field Trip

Yangmingshan Field Trip

3rd May 2013 All students in each level are invited to take part in a field trip to Yangmingshan National Park. Bus leaves TMI Roosevelt centre at 10am and returns at 4pm.cost : 750$NT. Limited to 50 places the tour will be first come first served….

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